Dental Fillings
Do you have concerns about Dental fillings, and wondered if you’re at risk?
Fillings are a protective measure for cavitys that can be created by plaque, a sticky layer of germs that forms on teeth daily. Among Australian adults, 96 percent have at least one tooth that is either decayed or has been filled (the average is at least 10); Aussie teens have, on average, at least two decayed or filled teeth.
Brushing your teeth 20 minutes after eating helps to prevent plaque; otherwise, it will begin to erode the teeth’s protective enamel. (Brushing within 20 minutes of eating may actually be harmful to teeth that have been exposed to acidic food and drink. Surprisingly, if you chew gum straight after meals it is a good way to stimulate saliva flow, which neutralizes any acids in the mouth). Cavities that are left unfilled will grow bigger and eventually affect nerves, create major pain, cause the teeth to fracture or abscess (infection) and, finally, destroy tooth pulp, which may lead to tooth loss.
The most commonly used dental filling materials – and those that have been in the headlines – are silver amalgam and composite resin. Here’s what you need to know!
Composite Resins:
What it’s made of:
– Mix of synthetic resins and glass
– Chemically bonded to your tooths structure to provide more support
– Can be placed in front or back teeth
– Versatile (in addition to fillings, it can also be used to repair chips)
– Less of the healthy tooth structure is removed
– Can easily be repaired
– Shade closely matches natural tooth colour
Lack of durability — composite fillings wear out much earlier than amalgam fillings (lasting at least five years compared with at least 10 to 15 for amalgams); in addition, they may not last as long as amalgam fillings under the pressure of chewing and particularly if used for large cavities.